External heat exchangers
External heat exchanger to connect to an existing heating system, available as
Coaxial heat exchangers (KRWT) have the following advantages:
Automatic minimum temperature control unit incl. fine adjustment valve
- Plate heat exchanger
- Coaxial heat exchanger
Coaxial heat exchangers (KRWT) have the following advantages:
- simple and quick cleaning
- longer periods between cleaning
- no valves/gaskets, so no maintenance required
- suitable for thick-flowing liquids with high fruit or fibre content.
- The juice flows in the internal pipe. Hot water flows around it and warms the juice.
- Simple cleaning with sponge balls.
Construction set
Coaxial heat exchanger
Plate heat exchangers have the following advantages:
- extendable
- they can be completely dismantled
- Water and juice flow between the plates, the water heats the juice, the plates are separated by special washers
- Cleaning during the cycle with pump and cleaning materials
Construction set
Plate heat exchanger
All RINK fruit juice pasteurizers:
- Automatic minimum temperature control – you can be sure that no juice is filled below the selected temperature.
- Regulate the boiler temperature automatically with a digital thermostat with a sensitivity of +/- 0,1 °C.
- Have a small temperature difference between the heating water and the fruit juice 81/78°C.
- Have a high-quality stainless steel 1.4571 heat exchanger.
Automatic minimum temperature control unit incl. fine adjustment valve
**** 30 years experience in pasteurization ****